We, COMPANIES STORE BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT CORP are a stock company based in Portugal with the purpose of assist foreign business men in launch their businesses in this country.
In the case of to start a business in Portugal, we offer:
* Assistance with the formation of companies, divisions and representative offices (authorisation and registration) in the territory of Portugal;
* Legal support for the organisation and conducting of business in Portugal;
* An assessment of investment projects;
* Tax advice; * Customs law relating to European countries which are not members of the EU;
* The organisation of joint ventures and the search for partners for such enterprises;
* The investigation of your business partners: we will check the solvency and creditworthiness of your potential partners using the largest international economic database and we will provide you with up-to-date information about them;
* The acquisition of the technological know-how (patents, licences and equipment);
* The search for offices and production facilities;
* The selection of qualified staff and accountancy and secretarial services;
* The purchase of real estate in Portugal and the European Union;
* Assistance with the obtaining of a residence permit in Portugal.
Rely on us.
Fernando Cardoso
Director, certified public accountant